icentaurus on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

March 31, 2011
LESBIAN by ~icentaurus Suggester says "a stunning representation of the blend of bold colors and feeling. It's sensual and a tasteful view on that, too. I'm not usually into typography, and if I see a piece of it, I will hardly take my time to pay attention to it. But this one is different and I'm glad I chose to view it. The colors and the unique poses reel you in, and you can't seem to pull yourself away from how sticky sweet it is. Totally worthy of a DD. In my opinion, love is love, straight, bi, gay, whatever. And I LOVE THIS."
Featured by LottnessMonster
Suggested by ForeverWriting
icentaurus's avatar




A typography project.
Please Fullview!

Edit : WOW, a DD? This totally made my day, many thanks to ForeverWriting and hazelnutx for giving me this honour. :D

GAY : [link]

BISEXUAL : [link]

Terms of use :
- No commercial use guys, sorry.
- You can resubmit it anywhere else, but please give me a credit or link back to this page.
- And any kind of editing is not allowed.
Image size
3543x3543px 1.61 MB
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Mesmerelda's avatar

Self-identification looking good!